Frequently Asked Questions about Spiritual Life Coaching & the Awaken The Creator Process
Awaken the Creator Process FAQ:
Can I really expect my life to change as a result of the process?
YES. This process has yielded profound results for the thousands of people who have taken it. The insights you glean about yourself and how you operate are so valuable. Not only that, during the rewire retreat, you uproot much of your habitual behavior and then you learn how to re-establish more powerful habits, resulting in a “new you”.
How much time is really required to get maximum benefit?
Think of this like taking a college course, but way cooler because it’s about YOU! There are weekly reading and homework assignments, as well as daily writing. Some days you will spend only 30 minutes while others you may spend 2 hours. It averages out to about 1 hour per day. If you set aside 30 minutes a day for your writing and then have a couple longer chunks of time over the course of the week, you’ll be just fine!
I have already talked about my childhood traumas in therapy, will I need to revisit these wounds for this process?
Maybe. If you have automatic emotional responses to things that stem from those wounds, you still have an energetic tie to them. The Process will help you to dissolve that tie so that you will no longer be reactive to your usual triggers. Things to keep in mind: The thought of going back to those times in your mind is almost ALWAYS worse than actually doing it. This is a healing process. This work actually activates healing in those past traumas.
I’ve had years of therapy, how is AC different than therapy?
Some of my clients refer to this process as “therapy”. It is therapeutic, but it's not therapy. Dr. Jayne Gardner, it’s creator, is a doctor of counseling psychology. She came to see that therapy only took people so far. Through the DI Process, you not only get to understand why you think the ways you think, but you gain tools for transformation that really do change your way of thinking and behaving to be more generative and life-enhancing.
Is “Spiritual Coaching” about religion?
Spiritual coaching is NOT related to religion. It is a deep, core, cellular transformation for finding the spirit within us, for uncovering our purpose, and for carrying the message that people are unlimited and connected to one another. The Divine Intelligence Process is a process for just that.
What can I expect at our weekly meetings?
Each week, we will meet at our designated time on Zoom, by phone, or in person. Meetings last about 1 hour. If time permits, and more time is needed, it is taken. During our time together, we will review your work for the week, as well as the science covered in the textbook, check in on your goal, and at times, we will perform specific coaching activities together. You will always have the opportunity to ask questions or address any issues or stumbling blocks you may have.
What is unlimited text and email access?
At any time you have a question or want to share a success, please reach out. I will respond at my earliest convenience. You are important to me!
Do you offer a discount if I do this with a friend?
I do offer discounts for pairs or groups. Please contact me and we can discuss!
Do your clients always reach their goals?
Not always. But, they do always make significant progress towards their goal. Some things just need more time to bloom. When something is holding you back from reaching your goals, it is always something you need to remove, and not something you need to attain. The AC Process is one that shaves off the stuff that’s holding you back so you can streamline your way to where you want to be. In addition to shaving off the stuff holding you back, you will really get up close and personal with your powerful and unique gifts that make you YOU!
Do I need to buy life coaching sessions in addition to the Divine Intelligence Process?
No. No additional coaching sessions are required to reap the benefits of the DI Process. Further coaching is available after the process or during the process if you want to work on something specific.
Life & Inspirability Coaching FAQ
What is “behind the scenes energy work”?
As you may or may not already know, our conscious thought has the power to create within the material world. In the privacy of my own mind, I will take the time to see you having manifested your goal. For example, if we are working on creating a harmonious household for you in our time together, I will “see” you enjoying your loving environment, children, spouse, home, etc. This is like holding that space for you until you reach it. It is very powerful.
Is the AC Process a prerequisite for spiritual life coaching?
No. However, it is helpful depending on where you are in your life. If you have accepted that you are responsible for all that shows up in your life on some level, we may be a good fit. All change begins with you. Universal Spiritual Truth: As within, So Without. This means that your outer life is a reflection of what you’ve got going on inside. So when we meet with each other, we will be looking for solutions within YOU to any problems out “there”.
How can I know if coaching is right for me?
Well, the easy answer is for you to schedule a consultation. Coaching is a productive conversation to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Coaching assumes that you are creative, resourceful, and whole. You don’t need to be “fixed”.
How do I know if life coaching or Inspirability coaching will best suit my needs?
Inpirability coaching is best if you already have a goal in place and know what you want to do to get there. It’s more of an accountability program - You want someone to hold your feet to the fire so to speak. If you’ve been starting that exercise program for the last two years but haven’t established it yet, inspirability coaching can be for you.
If you really need get clear on a goal, or have feelings or issues to sort out, then life coaching may be for you. With life coaching, we take the time to really dive into what your values are, what your deepest desires are, and then devise a plan to get them. We also can dive into what your fears are, where they stem from, and how to overcome them. It’s just a deeper, more involved conversation.
How long is a coaching session?
Inspirability coaching sessions are 20-30 minutes, while life coaching sessions are 45-60 minutes. My goal is for you to achieve your goal for the call. I am flexible if time permits and is needed.
What can I expect at our weekly meetings?
Our weekly meetings will start with checking in on what you've accomplished since our last call. Then we will address anything you want to accomplish during this day's call. Perhaps you want to redefine your goal, set a new goal for the week, address a particular stumbling block you incurred, or explore your feelings about a situation. You set the agenda for this call. We will end with checking in on your progress towards your big goal and solidifying your action steps moving forward.